Opening Session
Thursday 11 November 2021, 3 pm CET
Kurt Ellenberger (picture on the right) and Wouter Turkenburg host the opening session of the 2021 IASJ Jazz Research Conference. The opening session is a panel in which the invited guests and speakers are Andrew Bain, Petter Frost Fadness and Michael Kahr.
Jazz research is almost as old as jazz itself. According popular belief, serious writing about jazz started in Europe. Just like jazz theory grew out of classical music theory, and jazz educations grew out of classical music education, jazz research is now growing out of the examples, rules and restrictions set by research in classical music. In the IASJ the type of research that serves jazz best is called ‘applied jazz research’.
Applied jazz research is feeding and is fed by jazz performance and jazz education. In the landscape of research, applied jazz research coexists next to other forms of research. The opening session is a panel in which a helicopter view is given on the entire jazz research landscape.

Damani Phillips
Thursday 11 November 2021, 5 pm CET
Lost Soul: The State of Black Cultural Influence in Collegiate Jazz Pedagogy
How does collegiate jazz education impact the Black cultural value of “soulfulness” in jazz music? Does jazz music’s foundational roots in African American music culture require educators and practitioners to adjust both how the music is taught and performed by those who claim expertise in the field? Does presenting jazz in an academic setting encourage scholars and educators to dissect and analyze the technical make-up of the music, but in the process, perpetuate a problematic fixation on those quantifiable/theoretical elements that thrust aside characteristics that directly connect jazz to African American music culture? What type of environmental circumstances would force the field of jazz studies to ask itself these vital, yet commonly ignored, questions about itself?
Jazz Research in the IASJ
Thurday 11 November 2021, 7 pm CET
In the late 1980's when the IASJ started, the words 'jazz' and 'research' were hardly used in one sentence. If research was done, it was most often merely 'fact finding'. Bibliographies, discographies were written as well as jazz histories and jazz pedagogical handbooks. In the 1990's the IASJ published a few times per year the journal 'Jazz Changes'. Graham Collier of the Royal Academy of Music in London, UK, was the main editor. He collected articles and conducted interviews on a wide range of topics that were as 'hot' than as they are today. Many of these topics were and are discussed at the 'Ongoing Dialogues' the jazz forum during IASJ Jazz Meetings. A large number of IASJ member schools have developed jazz research programs, continuing the research that started three decades ago.
Jazz Research in Belgium and The Netherlands
Friday 12 November 3pm CET
In Europe, in the first two decades of the 21st century, with the implementation of the BA-MA-structure (bachelor- master study) the norms and regulations were set on how research should be done at academies and conservatories. The AEC, the Association of European Conservatories distributed 'handbooks', and various accreditation organizations such as the Dutch Flemish Accreditation Committee, send out 'specialists' to academies and conservatories in order to check and rate how among others research was done. Also for jazz department research became a new element in the curriculum.

Felipe Salles
Fridat 12 November 5 pm CET
The New Immigrant Experience: The Creation of a Multi-Media Jazz Work
Social justice themes have always been part of the creative process for jazz musicians. Following in the tradition of Duke Ellington’s Black, Brown and Beige, John Coltrane’s Alabama, and Max Roach’s Freedom Now Suite, The New Immigrant Experience highlights the plight of undocumented immigrants protected by DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), also known as the Dreamers. This immersive, concert-length multimedia work interweaves pre-recorded video interview excerpts into a large jazz ensemble live performance.

The IASJ Research Journal
Friday 12 November 2021, 7 pm CET
At annual IASJ Jazz Meetings a wide variety of topics are discussed during the Ongoing Dialogues. In he 1990's these topics often find their way in the IASJ Journal 'Jazz Changes'. When the budgets for the publication of Jazz Changes dried up, the results of the Ongoing Dialogues were no longer put into print. The quality and the quantity of research presented during the Ongoing Dialogues as well during the year in the IASJ member institutions asks for a public forum that can be consulted world-wide.