Jazz Research in the IASJ
Thurday 11 November 2021, 7 pm CET
In the late 1980's when the IASJ started, the words 'jazz' and 'research' were hardly used in one sentence. If research was done, it was most often merely 'fact finding'. Bibliographies, discographies were written as well as jazz histories and jazz pedagogical handbooks. In the 1990's the IASJ published a few times per year the journal 'Jazz Changes'. Graham Collier of the Royal Academy of Music in London, UK, was the main editor. He collected articles and conducted interviews on a wide range of topics that were as 'hot' than as they are today. Many of these topics were and are discussed at the 'Ongoing Dialogues' the jazz forum during IASJ Jazz Meetings. A large number of IASJ member schools have developed jazz research programs, continuing the research that started three decades ago.
Presenters: Toni Bechtold: Jazz Research at HSLU, Switserland; Ricardo Pinheiro: Jazz Research at ESML: new ways of approaching and presenting research on musical performance. Gary Keller, University of Miami; Arnon Palty: Jazz Research in Israel; Ed Sarath: history of research in the IASJ, ISIM; Emiliano Sampaio, Doctoral Studies at the KUG, Autria; Kurt Ellenberger, GVSU; Wouter Turkenburg, Executive Director IASJ.
During IASJ Jazz Meetings a number of jazz teachers and heads of jazz departments convened and discussed the latest developments in jazz education world-wide. In these 'Ongoing Dialogues' recurring topics were discussed in-depth. The variety of topic were extremely divers but they all had one thing in common: the direct relation with either jazz performance or jazz education. Jazz research discussed at the Ongoing Dialogues either came out of performance and education or the results of the research had an immediate impact on performance and education.
In the session Jazz Research in the IASJ, after briefly looking back to the research topics that have been covered in the past, we will look forward to which topics have the center of attention at this moment and which new topic need to be covered.