The IASJ Research Journal
Friday 12 November 2021, 7 pm CET
At annual IASJ Jazz Meetings a wide variety of topics are discussed during the Ongoing Dialogues. In he 1990's these topics often find their way in the IASJ Journal 'Jazz Changes'. When the budgets for the publication of Jazz Changes dried up, the results of the Ongoing Dialogues were no longer put into print. The quality and the quantity of research presented during the Ongoing Dialogues as well during the year in the IASJ member institutions asks for a public forum that can be consulted world-wide.
The Grand Valley State University Libraries published a wide range of research journals in large numbers all over the world. The IASJ has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with GVSU with the intention to come to the publication of the GVSUL / IASJ Jazz Research Journal. The first issue is due in the spring of 2022.
Central in the IASJ Jazz Research Journal is applied research: research that is fed by and that is feeding jazz performance and jazz education.